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Windows 8: No plug-ins for Internet Explorer 10 Metro 20 September 2011

Posted by computeraholic in Uncategorized.

And therefore not Flash

As many now know, Windows 8 has two interfaces, including one especially for tablets. The Internet Explorer browser, which will be present in version 10, will have him also of two interfaces, including one of type Metro for use in tablet mode. However, in this mode, no plug-in will be loaded.

It is the responsibility Dean Hachamovitch that addresses the subject to the Microsoft official blog post of Windows 8. It indicates that this decision was made because of a major flaw in the user experience on the plug-ins, found to be inconsistent with what the publisher offers via Metro. In addition, the prohibition of plug-ins will be an additional method to relieve the battery. Clearly, this means that Windows 8 Tablet in default touch interface will not play Flash content.
Hachamovitch also explains that Microsoft also monitors the 97000 most used sites of the web and 62% of them now switch on the HTML5 video tag when the Flash player is detected. This



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